
I really agree with you. Sometimes it's hard to say yes, and saying no might never be the best option. It leaves you in a dilemma that you can't get out of. So I guess if one was given the option to say "I don't know", they would probably have gladly taken it since the others were just too much to discern.

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Is 'both' an answer?

I definitely say 'I don't know' if I want to end the convo with someone I don't like! Love the philosophy of this btw, I'm trying to build a Sub about ADHD and another about alien/UFO impacts and philosophy on the world, so will take some inspiration on critical thinking from your content.

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Wow, I'd really love to see how it goes! I actually like thinking about random things a lot, it somehow gives me a sense of control over my life and what I can't understand. Instrospection quite literally feeds and sooths my mind.

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